
Not sure if any of you guys heard of pinterest, ignore me if you did! Lol.. just to share on what I am interested on lately! Sharing is caring :-)

I have downloaded the apps - Pinterest for quite sometimes recommended by one of my friend. But never really go and have a "tour" on it until today as I am really too free.

I found it is more convenient to surf online rather than using the apps. As it will have to link to the other website for the post/pin that you interested on.

Scratching your head on what I am saying? Lol... here I show you the interface search by category Popular

Of course you will see more post by scrolling down, and I love it seriously as it show big pictures with description down there. For those who prefer colorful visual than black and white words like me :-p Here it is! If any of the pic grab your attention, you can zoom in and view the details and link to the website where the pinner pin it in pinterest to share it out. :-)

There are many category you can find and search through pinterest. See the screen shot below and noted for the red box which clearly show the categories.

I believe there are at least one category that you interested on =)
Or else, start finding your hobby today! =p

And I found something make me feel like wanna put my hands on. Wonder what is it? Keep you update again after I had done.

Finish viewing facebook news feed? Done checking mails? Feel like wanna have some extra reading source with lots of different category? Let's try Pinterest!~ Sound like I have commission for advertising this in fact I don't =( But after all, sharing is caring right?

 Happy Pinterest everyone!~

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Me? Drama queen? Sleeping beauty? K.I.S.S principle - Keep it simple stupid. Life is fragile, don't make things complicated! Enjoy your precious life!