More than blue

A nice movie to share -- More than blue.
Really a very sad story. Can't deny... watch till cry :-p
I really very seldome will watch movie through youtube 1.
But for this, i load all the 12 parts at youtube.
I also feel so unbelievable!!
Maybe i am too free :-p
If you are as free as me, can try the following links for the movie.
(can find those other parts through that link as well, i believe the clever you sure can find if u want)

Tips: load the first two parts, after finish watching 1 part, start loading another 1, then can continue watching like watching a movie d :-p

Anyway... i like the song very much too!
Haha.. i think i load for more than 10 times for this video.
The melody... are just sooo nice to listen :-p

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