I know it is time to sleep now, but i am still blogging :-p I wonder if that is it night time have better intuition to write something here. Quite often i blog at night.
Last week i meet a guy, won't tell so detail about him here, can't believe i just meet with him few times i guess, and coincidently he fetch me back Bangi house to take my notes and have supper with him. He did called me that night and we chat on phone for more than 1 hour. Can't denied that he is really sweet. I have never ever meet such a sweet guy before this i will said.
After that, got keep in touch for the first few days, and getting less and less contact each other, until now..... erm.... erm... lost contact should i said?? Hahaha.... he make me remind about a notes post by one of my facebook friend that crush is that teeny-booper feeling u get that probably comes from a more physical than emotional place. It can turn into love or fade away. Maybe in this case mine is the latter one.
Anyway, it is just a past tense story to share with you guys here. Maybe i shouldn't believe him that much or shouldn't put so much hope on him, so that i won't get so disappointed as what i am feeling last few days. But, I'm alright actually, just got a bit disappointed with his words. At least, i still leading my happy go lucky life eventhough without the nourish of love for now :-p
The story are going to end now. Hopefully will start a new chapter soon with a better ending and also with a better storyline :-p
P/S: You all are really lucky get to know my little secret story eventhough it is past tense as i never tell this to anyone except my roommate and one of my friend :-p
CheersSssss =)
Saltillo Tile Restoration
8 months ago
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